Devlog #1: An Introduction

Hello, this is the first devlog for a new game I'm working on, temporarily titled Platformer. It's a 2D platformer with a unique mechanic.
In the game, your character has a maximum of two jumps. Each time you jump, your remaining jumps decrease by one. The levels are made-up of different kinds of tiles, each with their own special Tile Effects:
- Reset Tiles: Reset your jumps back to the maximum.
- Neutral Tiles: Have no effect.
- Jump Boost Tiles: Supercharge your next jump.
- Zero Tiles: Instantly deplete all your remaining jumps.
Your character's color changes based on the current tile effect.
Currently, there is only one kind of obstacle which is the Sawblade , which comes in different variants:
- Floating Sawblades: Deadly obstacles that hover in mid-air.
- Grounded Sawblades: Stationary hazards waiting on the ground.
- Moving Sawblades: Unpredictable threats that move along a set path.
So far, most of the development has been focused on creating a base with implementations of various systems in order to make development way easier and more convenient in the future. Therefore, not much has been made in terms of levels. Currently, there is only one level, and that was made to get a feel for how the game's levels will be like later on. However, I have made a basic title screen and level select screen.
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